Jumat, 28 Desember 2012

River Street

You see this beautiful view??? I took this from my nephew village, It's call Hujan Mas (Golden Rain) Village near Palem Raya. The sky is white with some clouds and the river look like a street I think. There's buffalo or is that a cow? I don't know the detail thought. And there's small house. So unique! By the way, I got this with my Nokia N70 camera. Is that bad?


Welcome to The Hilda's World.
This blog I made special for myself.
This is my blog, This is my world.
I keep things that I want to share with people in here.

Want to know me?
My name is Hilda Fitria, that's final. I changed my name a couple times. I was born in Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia, Earth. It was morning in the morning of Idul Fitri that I choose to born into this real world. Now ypu know where I get the 'Fitri' word on my name. Oh by the way, I'm a muslim. But I do respect other religion. Blood type : O, I think since my mom and that is also O.
I'm a pisces girl, I love water though. I also an anime lovers. My hobby is READING, reading, reading, watching, surfing in internet, playing game, swimming, talking with friends etc.
I have best friends, I love them so much. I'm the type of people that hard-very hard to have a faith with somebody. I love them, and I will always do no matter what. Sometimes we got into a fight but we are still best friends. I thrust them, that's why I give them tittle as 'my best friends'.
Our friendship is pure in our own way. Note : I'm so moody.
What else? Okay, I think that's enough. Have fun people!